Tag: frontier-mastodon

Bruce Gray - February 27, 2015

Crack a pack MTG Fate Reforged with Bruce #22 (3rd)

Fate Reforged Booster 3

Crack a pack MTG Fate Reforged with Bruce #22 (3rd)

By Bruce Gray – Casual Encounters

Welcome back! Another busy MTG day for all you readers out there so let’s not waste any time.  Let’s crack open that pack and see what we would take pick 1 pack 1 in a draft.  Here we go.










Let’s start with the Rare.  Flamerush Rider is pretty solid and from a quick look around, it looks like the strongest card in this pack.  I’m not in love with the card and by no means am I in love with Red in this set, but it is a strong card that makes combat very difficult for your opponent.  I would certainly be pulling this one to the front of the pack and seriously looking at this first.

The uncommons are all a little underwhelming.  Fearsome Awakening is interesting, but by no means good.  It is certainly not good enough to first pick.  I might look at that once I have a dragon or two in my deck just to see if I can make it work for me, but otherwise I might just leave this one to wheel around the table until the very end.

Reality Shift is a decent card and can be a useful removal type spell in Blue, but I’m not keen on leaving behind the Manifested creature.  That extra 2/2 could be just about anything and that’s usually an unpleasant surprise when it is something that is good for your opponent.  Also, it doesn’t really clear the road the way most removal does and you still need to work around the Manifest on the battlefield as you rumble in for combat.  I wouldn’t be grabbing this first, but I’m interested in the card and figure it could be pretty interesting to take if I’m in Blue later in the round.

Humble Defector is another interesting card that can be abused pretty easily.  There are a number of cute plays you can make with this guy to abuse the activation followed by the loss of control of the card, but it isn’t a first pick.  I like a good laugh when you get to go off with this one, but I would rather do something a little more powerful than this.

The only real card that I like from among the commons here is Aven Surveyor.  Yes, he’s expensive, but the bounce effect is extremely potent and well worth the cost of playing this one.  I’d be pulling this one to the front for a close look as well.

Typhoid Rats are nice.  I like those guys.  I wouldn’t take them first pick, but if I was to be in black 2 or 3 picks in I would happily grab them.

Cunning Strike does a number of things, but it does them all modestly well.  It deals some damage, but maybe not enough to kill something.  It “shocks” your opponent for a pair of damage which may be relevant.  It draws you a card to replace itself.  All of this for the bargain cost of 5 mana.  I know, I know.  That’s 3 effects for 5 mana.  That’s not so bad.  And it even triggers Prowess.  But I’m not in love with the card and would rather keep moving.

Frontier Mastodon could be a 4/3 for 3 mana…which is a steal.  That’s a sizeable upgrade in toughness on an Alpine Grizzly because now it doesn’t die to Cunning Strike, Douse in Gloom, Wild Slash or one of the other many two damage spells floating around.  However, it could just as easily be a 3/2 for 3 in which case you are highly underwhelmed.  This is likely a late pick up and might not make the cut for you 22 or 23 card deck.

Alesha’s Vanguard is a card I’ve discussed earlier in my review of commons and uncommons, but to sum up it is a Hill Giant that dodges sorcery speed removal but burdens your board state if you choose to Dash it because you will have not developed your board any further. It’s a fine card, but I’m not excited.

Gore Swine is another fine vanilla creature.  It’s not an early pick up, but it’s fine to help fill out your creature package.

Abzan Advantage is card that people keep talking about as a playable trick.  I’m not excited, but the ability to remove their Siege AND Bolster one of my creatures seems good.  Even if they don’t have an enchantment to sacrifice, the Bolster is quite nice.  It’s by no means a first pick, but it has improved its chances of being played in recent weeks by just being an effective card that has some reasonable upside.

Arashin Cleric is very low on my list of priorities here.  It just doesn’t do enough to warrant a mid round pick.  This might get forced at the end of the pack and will rarely make your deck unless your creature count is very low.

Sibsig Host is another reasonable creature, but I’m not jumping up and down for it. It does block reasonably well and helps fuel a little Delve, but let’s not go overboard here.  It is a fine card for a deck playing Black but it is not a high pick.


Top 5 cards

  1. Flamerush Rider
  2. Aven Surveyor
  3. Typhoid Rats
  4. Reality Shift
  5. Humble Defector


First Pick

For me the first pick is Flamerush Rider because I feel like it has more upside and a higher overall power level than the rest of the pack. I’m not in love with red and if the following packs didn’t have strong commons/uncommons to support the Flamerush Rider I am more than prepared to move colours and ditch the Rider altogether.  I could make a really good case for the Aven Surveyor because it is an outstanding common and if you grab a couple of them then you are well and truly set to make life miserable for your opponent. Typhoid Rats is just a very solid creature because nobody is really keen to trade with it.  The Rats just about always manage to get you good value by taking out a more expensive creature and that means I want to grab it sooner rather than later. Further down the list I get to the 5th card and I am unsure if I would rather take the Humble Defector or Cunning Strike. I decided the Humble Defector was likely the pick on the grounds that it is a mono-coloured card rather than a gold card like Cunning Strike.

On the whole, the strength of this pack is pretty weak.  The rare is just ok, the uncommons are not particularly good, and the commons start off quite strong but trail off quite significantly.  I feel like that is one of the traits of the set and this represents a fairly average pack.  I’ve tried enough drafts on MTGO and watched enough other people draft that this seems to be the trend.  It is good to know for those rare times that you find a bonkers pack to keep it in mind that this is not the norm.

Thanks for taking the time to stop in and read today and good luck in your next draft.


By Bruce Gray – Casual Encounters

@bgray8791 on Twitter

Three Kings Loot - September 2, 2014

Fate Reforged spoiler – Release notes, Artwork & Card Galle...

Magic Fate Reforged- large pre-orderFate Reforged spoilerFate Reforged spoiler symbol

Release notes

  • Set 2 of 3 in the Khans of Tarkir block
  • Number of Cards: 185
  • Prerelease Events: January 17-18, 2015
  • Date: January 23, 2015
  • Game Day: February 13, 2015
  • Official Three-Letter Code: FRF
  • Twitter Hashtag: #MTGFRF


Fate Reforged spoiler


Ugin, the Spirit Dragon


Abzan AdvantageAbzan RunemarkAbzan SkycaptainArashin ClericAven SkirmisherChannel HarmCitadel SiegeDaghatar the AdamantDragon Bell MonkDragonscale GeneralElite ScaleguardGreat-Horn KrushokHonor's RewardJeskai BarricadeLightformLotus-Eye MysticsMardu Woe-ReaperMonastery MentorMastery of the UnseenPressure PointRally the AncestorsSage's ReverieSandblastSandsteppe OutcastSoulfire Grand MasterSoul SummonsValorous StanceWandering ChampionWardscale Dragon



Aven SurveyorCloudformEnhanced AwarenessFascinationFrost WalkerJeskai InfiltratorJeskai RunemarkJeskai SageLotus Path DjinnMarang River ProwlerMindscour DragonMistfire AdeptMonastery SiegeNeutralizing BlastRakshasa's DisdainReality ShiftRefocusRenowned WeaponsmithRite of UndoingSage-Eye AvengersShu Yun, the Silent TempestShifting LoyaltiesSultai SkullkeeperSupplant FormTemporal TrespassTorrent ElementalWhisk AwayWill of the NagaWrite Into Being



Alesha's VanguardAncestral VengeanceArchfiend of DepravityBattle BrawlerBrutal HordechiefCrux of FateDark DealDiplomacy of the WastesDouse in GloomFearsome AwakeningGrave StrengthGurmag AnglerHooded AssassinMardu ShadowspearMardu Strike LeaderMerciless ExecutionerNoxious DragonOrc SureshotPalace SiegeQarsi High PriestReach of ShadowsSibsig HostSibsig MuckdraggersSoulflayerSultai EmissarySultai RunemarkTasigur, the Golden FangTasigur's CrueltyTyphoid RatsGhastly Conscription



Alesha, Who smiles at DeathArcboundBathe in DragonfireBloodfire EnforcersBreak Through the LineCollateral DamageDefiant OgreDragonrageFierce InvocationFlamerush RiderFlamewake PhoenixFriendly FireGoblin HeelcutterGore SwineHumble DefectorHungering YetiLightning ShriekerMardu RunemarkMardu ScoutMob RuleOutpost SiegePyrotechnicsRageformShaman of the Great HuntShockmaw DragonSmoldering EfreetTemur Battle RageVaultbreakerWild Slash



Abzan Kin-GuardAinok GuideAmbush KrotiqArashin War BeastArchers of QarsiBattlefront KrushokCached DefensesDestructor DragonFeral KrushokFormless NurturingFrontier MastodonFrontier SiegeFruit of the First TreeHunt the WeakMap the WastesReturn to the EarthRuthless InstinctsSandsteppe MastodonShamanic RevelationSudden ReclamationTemur RunemarkTemur SabertoothTemur War ShamanWarden of the First TreeWhisperer of the WildsWhisperingwood ElementalWildcallWinds of Qal SismaYasova Dragonclaw



Goblin Boom KegHero's BladeHewed Stone RetainersPilgrim of the FiresScroll of the MastersUgin's Construct



Atarka, World RenderCunning StrikeDromoka, the EternalEthereal AmbushGrim ContestHarsh SustenanceKolaghan, the Storm's FuryOjutai, Soul of WinterSilumgar, the Drifting DeathWar Flare



Crucible of the Spirit Dragon


Manifest and Morph Token Monk Token 1  Spirit TokenWarrior Token

Pre-release promos ‘Time Shifted Cards’

Ugin's Fate booster - Fate Reforged spoiler

Ugin's Fate Display

Fate Reforged pre-release will introduce special promo ‘Time Shifted Cards’. During the event you get to pick your  Tarkir Clan and will also receive a special ‘Ugin’s Fate” booster pack which contains a Token, a Land card and certain amount of ‘Time Shifted Cards’ from a pool of 40 holo foil stamped cards with alternate art which demonstrates how the plane of Tarkir has changed. The PAX Australia panel showcased three of these cards.

  • Smite the Monstrous (exchanging a mastodon for a dragon),
  • Ghostfire Blade (showing that everyone was left-handed a 1000 years ago),
  • Briber’s Purse (showing a pay-off to a tyrannical dragon.

Briber's Purse - Ugin's Fate Ghostfire Blade Smite the MonstrousHordeling Outburst


Fate Reforged promos

Launch event January 23–25, 2015

Sandsteppe Mastodon


Game Day February 14–15, 2015

Mardu Shadowspear - Game Day


Game Day Top 8

Supplant Form - MTGFRF Game Day promo


Exclusive playmat for the Game Day Champion

Fate Reforged Game Day champion playmat


Buy-a-Box Promo

Shamanic Revelation Buy-a-Box Promo

Fate Reforged Artwork

Fate Reforged spoiler artworkCrux of Fate - Fate Reforged spoiler ArtUgin Fate Reforged spoiler artSoulfire Grand MasterWandering ChampionUgin's ConstructValorous StanceSupplant FormShockmaw DragonScroll of the MastersOutpost SiegeMardu ScoutJeskai InfiltratorFrontier SiegeDestructor DragonCrucible of the Spirit DragonCitadel SiegeArchfiend of DepravityManifest artworkAinok GuideMonastery MentorNoxious DragonPilgrim of the FiresPressure Point