Tag: m15-previews

Three Kings Loot - June 13, 2014

Magic 2015 Sample Decks Decklists

Aegis Angel Divine Verdict Inspired Charge Serra Angel

White Deck:

Nightmare Sengir Vampire Walking Corpse

Black Deck

Cancel Mahamoti Djinn

Blue Deck

Furnace Whelp Seismic Strike Shivan Dragon

Red Deck

Centaur Courser Garruk’s Packleader Terra Stomper

Green Deck



Three Kings Loot - June 12, 2014

M15 Core Set- Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 Promo Cards

When you purchase Duels of the Planeswalker, you get a cool six-card promotional booster featuring one of these alternative art promos depending on the platform you use. These card are also going to be featured in the next Core Set 2015. Soul of Ravnica - PromoSoul of Zendikar

Three Kings Loot - June 10, 2014
Three Kings Loot - January 7, 2014

M15 Core set spoiler- Card Gallery, Release notes and Artwork

Garruk M15 Core Set  Art 2M15 Core set spoiler- M15 Logo

Set Name Magic 2015—Core Set
Number of Cards 269
Prerelease Events July 12-13, 2014
Release Date July 18, 2014
Launch Weekend July 18-20, 2014
Game Day August 9-10, 2014
Magic Online Prerelease Events July 25-27, 2014
Magic Online Release Date July 28, 2014
Pro Tour Magic 2015 August 1-3, 2014
Pro Tour Magic 2015Location Portland, Oregon, USA
Pro Tour Magic 2015Formats Swiss:

  • Standard
  • Magic 2015 Draft

Top 8:

  • Standard
Official Three-Letter Code M15
Twitter Hashtag #MTGM15
Initial Concept and Game Design Aaron Forsythe (lead)
Max McCall
Shawn Main
Mike Gills
Jenna Helland
Final Game Design and Development Billy Moreno (lead)
Shawn Main
Adam Lee
Tom LaPille
Sam Stoddard
Languages English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Available in Booster Packs, Intro Packs*, Clash Pack*, Fat Pack*

(* – Not available in all languages)

M15 Core set spoiler-  M15 symbol

[Set Review click here]

M15 Core set spoiler



Aegis AngelAjani's pridemateAjani the SteadfastAvacyn, Guardian Angelbattle masteryBoonweaver GiantcongregateDauntless River MarshalM15 Core set spoiler- Devouring LightM15 Core set spoiler- Divine FavorDivine VerdictEphemeral Shieldsfirst Responsegeist of the moorsHeliod's PilgrimHushwing GryffM15 Core set spoiler- Inspired ChargeKinsbaile SkirmisherMass CalcifyMarked by HonorMeditation PuzzleMidnight Guardoppressive raysoreskos swift clawParagon of New Dawnspillar of lightPreeminent CaptainPrismatic RuneguardRaise the AlarmRazorfoot GriffinResolute ArchangelReturn to the Rankssanctified chargeSelfless CatharSeraph of the MassesSerra AngelSolemn OfferingSoulmenderSoul of TherosSpirit Bondssungrace pegasusTriplicate SpiritsWall of EssenceWarden of the Beyond


Aeronaut TinkererAetherspoutsAmphin pathmageCancelChasm SkulkerChief EngineerChronostutterCoral BarrierdissipatedivinationEncrustEnsoul ArtifactFrost LynxFugitive Wizardglacial crasherhydrosurgeIllusory AngelInto the VoidinvisibilityJace, the Living GuildpactJace's IngenuityJalira, Master PolymorphistJorubai Murk LurkerKapsho KitefinsM15 Core set spoiler- Nimbus of the IslesMahamoti DjinnMaster of PredicamentsMercurial PretenderMilitary Intelligencemind sculptNegateParagon of Gathering MistsPeel from RealityQuicklingResearch AssistantSoul of Ravnicastatute of denialStormtide LeviathanM15 Core set spoiler- Turn to FrogVoid SnareM15 Core set spoiler- Wall of FrostWelkin Tern


Accursed SpiritBlack Catblood hostcarrion crowCaustic TarChild of NightCovenant of BloodCrippling BlightEndless Obedienceeternal thirstfeast on the fallenFestergloomFlesh to DustGravediggerIndulgent TormentorLeeching SliverLiliana Vessnecrobitenecrogen scudderNecromancer's AssistantNecromancer's StockpileNightfire GiantOb Nixilis, Unshackledparagon of open gravesRotfeaster MaggotSengir VampireShadowcloak VampireSign in BloodSoul of InnistradStab WoundUlcerateunmake the graveswall of limbsWaste NotWitch's FamiliarXathrid Slyblade


Act on ImpulseAggressive Miningaltac bloodseekerbelligerent sliverblastfire boltBorderland MarauderBrood KeeperBurning AngerChandra, Pyromastercircle of flameClear a PathCone of Flamecrowds favorCrucible of Fireforge devilFoundry Street Denizenfrenzied goblinFurnace WhelpGenerator ServantGoblin KaboomistGoblin RabblemasterGoblin RoughriderhammerhandHeat RayHoarding DragonInferno FistKird ChieftainKurkesh, Onakke AncientLava AxeLightning StrikeMiner's BaneRummagin GoblinParagaon of Fierce Defiancescrapyard mongrelSeismic StrikeShrapnel BlastShivan DragonSiege DragonSoul of ShandalarStoke the FlamesThundering GiantMight of the TyrantsTorch Fiend


carnivorous moss-beastCentaur CourserCharginf RhinoChord of CallingElvish mysticferal incarnationGarruk's PackleaderGather CourageGenesis HydraHornet NestHornet QueenHunter's AmbushHunt the weakInvasive SpeciesKalonian TwingroveLife's Legacyliving totemNaturalizenetcaster spiderNissa, Worldwakernissa's expeditionOverwhelmPlummetParagon of Eternal WildsPhytotitanranger's guileReclamation SageRestocksatyr wayfinderShaman of the SpringSoul of ZendikarSunblade Elfundergrowth scavengervenom sliververdant havenvineweftYisan, the Wanderer Bard


Avarice AmuletBrawler's PlateBronze SableConstricting SliverGargoyle SentinelGrindclockhaunted plate mailJuggernautOrnithopterObelisk of UrdHot SoupMeteoritePerilous VaultPhyrexian Revokerprofane mementorogue's glovessacred armoryScuttling Doom EngineShield of the AvatarSoul of New PhyrexiaStaff of the Death MagusStaff of the Flame MagusStaff of the Mind MagusStaff of the Sun MagusStaff of the Wild MagusThe Chain Veiltormod's crypttyrant's machinewill forged golem


Garruk, Apex PredatorSliver Hivelord


Battlefield ForgeCaves of KoilosLlanowar WastesShivan ReefYavimaya CoastDarksteel CitadelEvolving WildsForest 1Forest 2Forest 3Forest 4Island 1Island 2Island 3Island 4Mountain  2Mountain 1Mountain 3Mountain 4Plains 1Plains 2Plains 3Plains 4Radiant FountainSliver HiveSwamp 1Swamp 2Swamp 3Swamp 4Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth


Beast (Green) Token Beast Token Dragon Token Emblem Ajani Token Emblem Garruk Token Goblin Token Insect Token Land Mine Token Sliver Token Soldier Token Spirit Token Squid Token Treefolk Warrior Token Zombie Token

Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 Promo pack

Soul of ZendikarSoul of Ravnica - Promo

M15 Core set Artwork

 m15 core set spoiler- Garruk the slayer m15 core set spoiler- Hot Soup m15 core set spoiler Art 2 m15 core set spoiler Art 3 m15 core set spoiler - Peel from Reality M15 core set spoiler- Soul of Shandalar

Spectra WardSoul of new phyrexiaGarruk M15 Artwork

M15 Core set spoiler-  Three Kings Loot M15 pre-Orders

Three Kings Loot - January 6, 2014

M15 Spoiler- Waste Not, Wall of Fire – New Card Frame

(Full Card Gallery here)

WOTC is introducing a new card frame starting with the M15 Core set. There will be 5 new distinct changes on each card.

  1. The font
  2. The holofoil stamp only featured on rares and mythic rares
  3. The collector info
  4. Decreased border size
  5. The designer credit on some cards throughout the M15 core set

Waste Not

Waste Not is the “finished product” created from the readership of DailyMTG.com who voted on a series of options that led to the creation of this black enchantment based on the submission of @themlsna.

At first glance we notice the cards low casting cost of 1B which is allow you to deploy it fast. Secondly it has 3 different effects all related to the opponent(s) discarding a card, therefore it is optimal in a deck that uses a lot of disruption and discard cards such as DuressThoughtseize and Sin Collector. It might find a home in this summer’s standard metagame in some Orzhov, Dimir or Esper control brew. The current Mono Black devotion decklists uses a set of Thoughtseize but that’s hardly enough to take advantage of Waste Not. Modern brews that use disruption paired up with cards like Liliana’s Caress and Megrim might find a good use for it. I’m certain a casual or even some commander decks will cram it in as well.

When we break down the three effects, we get a mix of card advantage or sometimes ramp for black. The first one gives you 2/2 Zombie tokens as chump blockers to slow down the oncoming beats, then late game it gives you attackers or an army if you have multiples of the enchantment. The second is ramp for black, but will almost only happen when an opponent randomly discards a land. Only a deck using Mind Twist and Hymn to Tourach could really make use of the second ability. The third gives you card advantage whenever the opponent discards a non-creature, non-land card which is the best of the three abilities for control. By drawing cards you will therefore get more answers and disruption, henceforth getting you more effects from Waste Not. Now that’s what control really likes. Start brewing!


The Bag of Loots new writer Gerald Knight shares his thoughts on the new preview card…

Waste Not, the new card previewed by the mothership is coming to us in the next Core set.  That’s M15, which is still 7 months away.  The card itself was the product of the Magic Community as a whole designing a card step by step through a voting process.  First it was decided that the card would be Black, then it was decided that it would be an enchantment, and finally submissions were received about what the card was going to do and then voted on by the public.

 I for one can say that I am impressed with the choice and design of the card, but then again I love Black and the discard “mechanic”.  Being rewarded for your opponent discarding cards hasn’t been too profitable since Liliana’s Caress or Megrim were in standard.  The closer of the two will have been four years before this card is released.  And there is nothing bad about it.

Free Zombies if they discard a creature, free mana if they discard a land, and free card draw for anything else.  I can see this card going somewhere.  This card also makes me wonder if we are going to see more discard effects printed in the new Core Set aside from your regular Mind Rot and Duress.

Congratulations MTG Community, I think you scored a 10/10 on this one.

Wall of Fire

Classic defender Wall of Fire showcasing the new card frame.