Tag: mtgc15

Three Kings Loot - August 6, 2015

Commander 2015 Spoilers – Card Gallery and Release Notes

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Commander 2015 Spoilers


We finally have some information trickling in about the upcoming Commander 2015 product set to release in November. This one is going to explore the 5 enemy-colored pairs of Orzhov, Izzet, Boros, Golgari & Simic. As usual we will have a slew of new cards specifically designed for this product, many of which have been viable for eternal play where they are legal. While we don’t know many details yet there is a hint at ‘Experience Counters’ that will make your commander grow in power.

We hope to get more information soon as well as some of the new cards previewed. Stay tuned.

Release Notes

Release Date: November 13, 2015
Three-Letter Abbreviation: C15
Twitter Hashtag: #MTGC15
MSRP: $34.99 (per deck)
Languages: English, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Chinese Simplified

Commander (2015) brings 5 new enemy-colored preconstructed decks to the widely popular multiplayer format, Commander!

Casual players will enjoy playing with these decks right out of the box as well as crafting new Commander decks or adding to their own deck creations using the 15 new Magiccards found in each deck!

With a total of 55 new cards in the set, Commander (2015) is sure to be exciting for any experienced player looking to change-up their favorite decks!

Each Deck Contains:

  • A 100-card Commander deck
  • One oversized Foil Commander card for each deck
  • 10 double-sided tokens
  • Deck storage box
  • Strategy insert and rules reference card
  • 15 new Magic cards (55 for the set in total)





Card Gallery

anya merciless angelarachnogenesisarjuntheshiftingflame1bastion protectorbloodsporethrinaxcallerofthepackcommand beacondaxostormentgrasp of fategreatoakguardianheraldofthehostkarlov of the ghost councilmagus of the wheelmeren of clannel tothmeteorblastmirror matchmizzixs masterymysticconfluenceoreskosexplorerpathbreaker ibexrighteousconfluenceriteoftheragingstormscourge of nel tothshieldedbyfaithsynthetic destinythiefofbloodthoughtvesselverdant confluencewarchiefgiantwretchedconfluence151103-DreadSummonskalemne,discipleofiroasDaxos the ReturnedKaseto Orochi ArchmageMazirek Kraul Death PriestMizzix of the IzmagnusBlade of SelvesFiery ConfluenceGigantoplasmKalemnes CaptainScytheclawBanshee of the DreadchoirIllusory AmbusherSkullwinder

